
Hawa Valves has wide experience in the design and manufacturing of Ball, Gate, Globe & Check valves for extremely sour service, highly corrosive services or severe environments, and has become a specialist in this field with a host of in-house equipment to carry out Corrosion Resistant Alloy (CRA) and Hard Facing Overlays in an established controlled environment. Valves are manufactured in Carbon Steel, Alloy Steel and Low Temperature Carbon Steel bodies with appropriate corrosion allowances and required overlays with a variety of Stainless Steel and High Nickel Alloys, such as Alloy 625, Alloy 825, Alloy 926, SS316L and others.
Overlay has been proven as a competitive option to Solid Alloys. By means of overlay, Hawa Valves can provide fully cladded valves with overlay on all the wetted parts of the valve, or just localized on dynamic sealing areas (seat pocket and stem seal area), depending on customer requirements.
The actual overlay of these high alloys over carbon steel is a key process which, according to our experience, absolutely must be performed and controlled in-house by the valve manufacturer in order to provide a quality-consistent product which will perform on-site as designed, and for the design life intended. For this purpose, we perform this process in-house by means of four state-of-the-art automated overlay machines. Our equipment has the capability to overlay Corrosion Resistant Alloys & Hard Facing Alloys, all by our highly skilled and experienced welding team. All the processes are carried out according to established procedures, by monitoring and supervising the key parameters throughout the process, in order to ensure the quality and reliability of the overlay. Prior, during and after overlay we perform all the subsequent tests and checks in order to ensure quality.

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